Thursday, March 17, 2011

Too much?

There are so many options. Right now, debating between Treme and Emmylou Harris. And these are daytime options.
I must have seen seven full sets yesterday. There is so much to do that even keeping up with the blog is difficult. So follow me on Foursquare and Facebook where most of my posts are going. Twitter gets some too. Trying to have all of them linked of course.
Tom Kurz and I paired up yesterday to see a lot of music. Best of day, the first at the British Music Embassy, Bright Lights Bright Lights. Watch for these guys. Techno Peter Gabriel sounding. Great lead singer. And full sophisticated production. Other best, Jimmie Dale Gilmore and the Wronglers, including financier and Mostly Strictly Bluegrass patron Warren Hellman. They were the last group we saw yesterday. Great bookends, very different. Got to shake hands with both Jimme and Warren afterwards. This place is that intimate. I love it.
Honorable mention goes to Withered Hand, a solo Scottish folk rock/alt country entry. Great humorous lyrics. Also saw Bombay Bicycle Club and many others.
Any day with live music is a good day. But seven acts. this is above and beyond. Stay tuned for more.

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